Aerial Yoga Takes to the ‘Air’ at Honor Yoga

There is yoga and then there is Aerial Yoga!

Yoga certainly has its many benefits, and there are many people who swear by it.  Yet another type of yoga is taking hold locally at Honor Yoga in Downtown Washington Borough.

Aerial Yoga is definitely unique! Instead of performing yoga poses on a mat, aerial yoga utilizes a silk “hammock” that is suspended from the ceiling to perform those same movements.  

“It brings yoga to another level,” said Cherilyn Hopkins, Studio Manager at Honor Yoga. “And a whole different experience.”

Hopkins notes that the purpose of the hammock is to provide support through one’s yoga flow, while also improving flexibility and range of motion.  The hammock takes pressure off certain areas of the body, relieving joint pressure and spinal compression that floor workouts can trigger.  

These classes use an aerial silk to create poses with less gravitational pull on the body and a more compression-free practice. The playful flight-like experience has the power to boost mood and imagination while challenging one’s boundary of security.

The overall benefits are aplenty. They include increased full-body flexibility and strength, breath awareness, alleviates back and neck pressure, helps with balance and body awareness, increases blood circulation, brings movement to lymphatic system, boosts confidence and mood, offers low-impact exercise that burns calories, and can act as a stress relief.

Indeed, you don’t have to be a yogi to do aerial yoga. “It’s really for anyone looking to be supported, stimulated, opened up, massaged and loosened up while building core strength and all over flexibility,” said Hopkins. 

At Honor Yoga, there are an array of aerial classes that are offered, from beginner friendly classes to an intro series and special offerings.  They also offer single private and group private classes for families, friends, clubs and workmates to come together and have fun while improving health and wellness.  

“This practice can be great for anyone,” said Hopkins. “I have a student 72 years old who LOVES  to go upside down. This doesn’t have to be part of the practice though. You can do a lot without going upside down!” 

Indeed, participants are of all ages. (See photo above of Cherilyn Hopkins with Fiona Deboo).

“You have to give a lot of credit to Honor Yoga for providing its clients with something new and creative,” noted Melanie Thiel, Executive Director of the Washington Business Improvement District. “It can be very easy to just go with the same programs as everybody else in the industry. By offering something different Honor Yoga sets itself apart.”    

For more information about aerial yoga – and other classes – at Honor Yoga, visit or call (908) 533-1057.

Cherilyn Hopkins working with Shawnee Bourenko and Winnie Gilmore
Betsy Savoia
Laurie Dickerson

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