Charlie Wishes All a Happy Mother’s Day (and Birding World Series)

A Canada Goose watches over their goslings. Photo by Charlie Fineran.

In today’s column, Charlie shares photos from his cold Mother’s Day photo shoot and discusses the World Series of Birding.

It is the 11th of May. Mother’s Day 2020 has come and gone, and wildlife is in the final stages of having and/or presenting 2020’s New Generation! These are Telltale and Important Signs that SPRING IS HERE!

HOWEVER, we are missing and have been missing an important key element: SPRING-LIKE WEATHER! 

If you listen to the weatherman (notice the first two words – ‘IF YOU.’ Personally, I gave up quite a while ago), the average temperature for this time of year is around 70 degrees! 

Seventy, isn’t that fairly WARM? Or at least comfortable? 

I am now reminiscing, going way back to this past Saturday.  Let’s see, my outdoor thermometer read 32 – I distinctly remember putting on warm clothing but kind of thinking, ‘It’s May, when the sun gets higher it will warm up – don’t overdress!!’  I also clearly remember driving by several lawns … lawns that had a white coating on them! 

A pair of Eastern Painted Turtles try to warm up in the direct sunlight. Photo by Charlie Fineran

1:30 p.m.: Plenty of time for the MAY sun to warm things up. But I still froze while taking some pictures!! 

Yesterday, Mother’s Day, I began my day making several phone calls, wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day.  One of those phone calls was a little disturbing, as part of the conversation was a question posed to me by my friend, “Wonder if those nice bouquets you put on the graves survived the night?”  OK I think I made my point, it has been COLD!!


Mother’s Day, I was out and about looking for some wildlife photos celebrating Spring and I wanted to tie in those photos to Mother’s Day in the Wild.  This is the basic theme for every year’s Spring and Mother’s Day Presentation. 

This year, I also wanted to tie in and inform you about a truly great annual event which also took place this past Saturday: THE WORLD SERIES OF BIRDING!!  Which I will explain shortly. 

So, my game plan was to ride around and visit all my favorite places to see if I could come across any Wildlife with their young!  I have heard of several people seeing bear cubs, but I have not seen any signs of fawns, fox kits or the baby groundhogs by my house. Should I blame the cold? 

I have seen various birds with young, which actually ties in nicely since I am telling you about the World Series of Birding.  Anyway, I have new photos with Canada Geese and a Great Blue Heron who is still sitting on her nest.  I also incorporated a Green Heron and some Painted Turtles who in the photos look like they are enjoying some direct sunlight!!  The season is still young so I anticipate coming across many more animals and their young (and of course sharing those with you).

Spotted during the World Series of Birding: This Green Heron trying to get some sunlight. Photo by Charlie Fineran.

THE WORLD SERIES OF BIRDING: The world’s most famous Birding Competition.  Participants try to identify the greatest number of bird species throughout the State of New Jersey, over a 24-hour period on a Saturday in mid-May.  The event is also run as a fundraiser for Bird Conservation with participants soliciting pledges for each species they identify.  The event is organized by the N.J. Audubon Society.  Over the years, these events have raised more than $9 million for bird conservation.  I have placed a link that I think you will enjoy, informing you about this wonderful event and all the various Teams and Individuals.  Many of my friends and their various organizations participate every year!  Visit the World Series of Birding website for more information!

Enjoy more photos of Spring, a time of colors and renewal of life, on my Flickr site.

Enjoy Your Open Space

Charlie Fineran

Charlie Fineran is Allamuchy’s Director of Open Space, Allamuchy Township Environmental Commission Chairman and Allamuchy Historical Society President.

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