Hope Township Students Experience Washington, D.C.

The Hope Township Elementary School Eighth Grade recently traveled to Washington, DC for its annual visit to the the Nation’s Capital. They were joined by Hope Mayor Tim McDonough for Wednesday night dinner and a tour of the White House on Thursday morning.

“I can not say enough about how proud I am of our students and teachers,“ Mayor McDonough said. “As we walked through the White House I said to them how blessed we are to live in a country that we can visit the President’s residence while he is only a hundred yards away from us.“

Many students in preparation for their trip researched people who used to live in the White House, including the butler! The students’ itinerary also included visiting most of the monuments, Capital Building, Arlington Cemetery, Smithsonian Institution, Mt. Vernon and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

It was an experience the students will treasure forever as not all students get the same opportunity. 

“I commend the Hope School administration, teachers, and parents for providing this incredible opportunity for our children,“ McDonough said. 

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