Carol Carter’s Big Milestone: 40 Years With Abilities 

As she nears a milestone anniversary with Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc., one thing should be abundantly clear about Carol Carter: She is not your average worker.

Carter is about to celebrate 40 years with Abilities. To put this into perspective, according to the U.S. Labor Bureau, the median time Americans spend with one company is 4.1 years. Her tenure at Abilities has lasted nearly 10 times longer than that.

When Carter first joined Abilities:

· Ronald Reagan was president of the United States. There have since been six presidents who have succeeded him.

· E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was playing in movie theatres.

· Dallas was the highest-rated television show.

· Gasoline was $1.31 per gallon.

If that makes anyone “feel old,” Carter has a different perspective: “I’m happy to be here, and I have no intentions to retire,” she said.

For her service, Carter was recently honored with a joint resolution of commendation from the New Jersey State Senate and Assembly, presented to her by Assembly Minority Leader John DiMaio (photo below).

In part, the resolution praised Carter as “a self-advocate for citizens with disabilities,” and “an individual of strong character and determination,” and recognized her service, leadership commitment and extraordinary work ethic.

While the beginning of her Abilities career had some challenges – she was wearing a back brace when she started and wasn’t even sure she’d be able to work – Carter said she is able to look back on overcoming every difficulty and achieving many goals. She started working at Abilities’ Adult Training Center before transitioning first to the Employment Pathways supported employment program and then the Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP).

“Some people call it success; I call it determination. I’ve seen Carol throughout her 40-year career, both in community employment and center-based services,” said Abilities COO Susan Zukoski, who worked with Carter as her community job coach. “Carol is incredibly proud of all her achievements, and she has the right to be. She has always striven to do her best and her drive, motivation, and determination to work and to continue working is unmatched.”

With Abilities’ support, Carter had previously worked a number of different jobs throughout the community, including Candle Artisans, Burger King, Target and Warren Haven Rehabilitation Center. She recalls her first day at Abilities and meeting Cenny, a staff member who got her started in the CRP and made her feel special and welcomed.

“I remember putting labels on paint cans back then,” she said. “Over the years, Abilities has expanded and added many new jobs. I’ve been able to work in a number of different jobs, and there’s a lot more work than we use to have. I especially like the new jobs we have, like electronic recycling, labeling and stapling.”

One thing that has remained constant for Carter over the past 40 years is the relationships she’s been able to create at Abilities. She cites “socializing” as the top benefit of working at Abilities.

“I don’t know what I’d do if I retired. Here, I’m around my friends, I earn a paycheck and I have something to do,” said Carter.

Not that retirement has entered into her thoughts.

“I’m here to stay, and I am happy to be here,” Carter said.


About Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc.: Abilities of Northwest Jersey inspires people with disabilities to achieve their life goals by providing individualized supports. Incorporated in 1974, Abilities works diligently to create an inclusive community where individuals with disabilities are given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential in life. Visit our website at, or follow us on Facebook at

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